Last updated: 15 Apr 24 09:27:10 (UTC)
complete GameOfThrones
By Lawcky 08/02/2024
Difficulty : Hard
Additionnal info :
Name: Game of Thrones CTF: 1
Release date: 8 Sep 2017
Author: OscarAkaElvis
Series: Game of Thrones CTF
|NOTE| for this write-up every screen shot and ressources will be listed in this single page.
In this write-up
- nmap
- ffuf
- ftp
- burp-suite
- knockd (port knocking)
- hashcat
- mcrypt
- strings, binwalk & exiftool
- dig linux command
- webmin & cheerpJ
- postgresql
- Rot cypher
- imap
- git list
- rce git list
- mysql
- read a system file through mysql
- port forwarding using ssh
- hydra
- docker group privesc
/the-tree/ : picture with text
source code :"You mUSt changE your own shape and foRm if you wAnt to GEt the right aNswer from the Three-eyed raven" - Written on the tree by somebody
/secret-island/ : image and map link
source code :"Take this map and use it wisely. I want to be your friend" - Petyr (Littlefinger) Baelish
/direct-access-to-kings-landing/ : image
source code :"I've heard the savages usually play music. They are not as wild as one can expect, are they?" - Sansa Stark
Found the MAP
the write-up will folow the map order
The Dorne (FTP)
fail2ban is installed so no bruteforcing, and we need a username/password other than anonymous
after changing my User-Agent to Three-eyed-raven
(using the tips of the robots.txt above) and accessing the /the-tree/ I access another image with a different source code :
<!--"I will give you three hints, I can see the future so listen carefully" - The three-eyed raven Bran Stark"To enter in Dorne you must identify as oberynmartell. You still should find the password""3487 64535 12345 . Remember these numbers, you'll need to use them with POLITE people you'll know when to use them""The savages never crossed the wall. So you must look for them before crossing it"-->
seeing this order 3487 64535 12345
i thought it looked familiar with another machine i did and tried Port Knocking,
knock 3487 64535 12345
before port knocking
143/tcp filtered imap
after port knocking
143/tcp open imap Dovecot imapd
turns out it was not necessary for first flag but anyway its done
still needing more information i went back to the port 80 and tried to gather more information
i found
then /i/d/d/e/n/
source code : "My little birds are everywhere. To enter in Dorne you must say: A_verySmallManCanCastAVeryLargeShad0w . Now, you owe me" - Lord (The Spider) Varys "Powerful docker spells were cast over all kingdoms. We must be careful! You can't travel directly from one to another... usually. That's what the Lord of Light has shown me" - The Red Woman Melisandre
we now have :
user :
in base64 :
password :
in base64:
command :
ftp oberynmartell@
+ password
Fist flag found
The Wall & The North (http)
Mcrypt file
we get two things from that :
we also get a file
it is encrypted using the mcrypt tools and it needs a passphrase in order to be decrypted.
we know that the format is md5(md5($s).$p)
and we have the user nobody
and 6000e084bf18c302eae4559d48cb520c$2hY68a
using hashcat mode 20 ends in a failure,
since we know the format lets try breaking the hash with the md5sum of the salt given $2hY68a
echo -n '2hY68a' | md5sum
echo -n 6000e084bf18c302eae4559d48cb520c:0cbb5be2c4504bed573802efbd909965 > hash
hashcat -m 20 hash ~/tools/seclists/rockyou.txt
back to our mcrypt file
after adding it to /etc/hosts :
source code : Welcome to Winterfell You conquered the Kingdom of the North. This is your second kingdom flag! 639bae9ac6b3e1a84cebb7b403297b79 We must do something here before travelling to Iron Islands, my lady" - Podrick Payne "Yeah, I can feel the magic on that shield. Swords are no more use here" - Brienne Tarth
Second flag found
Iron Islands (DNS)
"Yeah, I can feel the magic on that shield. Swords are no more use here" - Brienne Tarth
seems to be referring to one of the images on the website, lets see if there is anything hidden inside.
using strings commands we found a couple of things with for exemple :
"Timef0rconqu3rs TeXT should be asked to enter into the Iron Islands fortress" - Theon Greyjoy
using dnsenum
tried :
dig Timef0rconqu3rs.7kingdoms.ctf @
dig VGltZWYwcmNvbnF1M3JzCg==.7kingdoms.ctf @
nslookup 'VGltZWYwcmNvbnF1M3JzCg==.7kingdoms.ctf'
sudo iodine -f -P Timef0rconqu3rs 7kingdoms.ctf
dig Timef0rconqu3rs @
the right command was :
dig txt Timef0rconqu3rs.7kingdoms.ctf -p 53 @
Timef0rconqu3rs.7kingdoms.ctf. 86400 IN TXT "You conquered Iron Islands kingdom flag: 5e93de3efa544e85dcd6311732d28f95. Now you should go to Stormlands at http://stormlands.7kingdoms.ctf:10000 . Enter using this user/pass combination: aryastark/N3ddl3_1s_a_g00d_sword#!"
Third flag found
Savages Flag (secret)
based on the sentence:
I've heard the savages usually play music. They are not as wild as one can expect, are they?" - Sansa Stark
i thought the secret flag could have been inside the music on the home page,
downloaded both the .wav and the .mp3,
nothing was hidden inside the .wav but inside the .mp3 using the strings command i found the flag
later in the write-up i found out that this flag wasnt complete, by using a more adapted tools such as exiftool i was able to get the full flag :
First secret flag found
Stormlands (webmin)
we are looking for ~/flag.txt
is bugged
since java is not supported by web browsers since end of 2017 this part is not possible to achieve anymore.
after 3 different web browsers, 4 unsuccessful installation of chromium on 2 different machine with the cheerpJ plugin, all that on 2 different OS i finally manage to make chromium work with cheerpJ to access the file !
installation time : about 1h30min
get the flag : litterally 10 seconds
The credentials to access to the Mountain and the Vale kingdom are: user/pass: robinarryn/cr0wn_f0r_a_King-_ db: mountainandthevale pgAdmin magic will not work. Command line should be used on that kingdom - Talisa Maegyr
Fourth flag found
Mountain and the Vale (postgresql)
psql -h -p 5432 -U robinarryn -W -d mountainandthevale
lets search the databases :
Bravoos book
Dro wkxi-pkmon qyn gkxdc iye dy mrkxqo iyeb pkmo. Ro gkxdc iye dy snoxdspi kc yxo yp iyeb usvv vscd. Covomd sd lkcon yx drsc lyyu'c vycd zkqo xewlob. Dro nkdklkco dy myxxomd gsvv lo lbkkfyc kxn iyeb zkccgybn gsvv lo: FkvkbWybqrevsc
looks like Rot Cypher
lets first go back to the Rot
City Of Bravoos (secret)
once decypher it is :
The many-faced god wants you to change your face. He wants you to identify as one of your kill list. Select it based on this book's lost page number. The database to connect will be braavos and your password will be: ValarMorghulis
the missing page is the fifth
so : TheRedWomanMelisandre
Second secret flag found
There is a mention of knocking and ‘POLITE’ people, which means that the port knocking was supposed to be done here, anyway its already done
There is also a mention about the face that we ‘OWN’ our destiny might be something to do with rights and a mention about a secret tunnel in a docker reference to a docker escape probably
found the flag in the relation table, cant read it yet but i am indeed the owner of it, i just have to change the permissions.
then we open the table
we get a base64 encoded message
echo 'TmljZSEgeW91IGNvbnF1ZXJlZCB0aGUgS2luZ2RvbSBvZiB0aGUgTW91bnRhaW4gYW5kIHRoZSBWYWxlLiBUaGlzIGlzIHlvdXIgZmxhZzogYmIzYWVjMGZkY2RiYzI5NzQ4OTBmODA1YzU4NWQ0MzIuIE5leHQgc3RvcCB0aGUgS2luZ2RvbSBvZiB0aGUgUmVhY2guIFlvdSBjYW4gaWRlbnRpZnkgeW91cnNlbGYgd2l0aCB0aGlzIHVzZXIvcGFzcyBjb21iaW5hdGlvbjogb2xlbm5hdHlyZWxsQDdraW5nZG9tcy5jdGYvSDFnaC5HYXJkM24ucG93YWggLCBidXQgZmlyc3QgeW91IG11c3QgYmUgYWJsZSB0byBvcGVuIHRoZSBnYXRlcw==' | base64 -d
Nice! you conquered the Kingdom of the Mountain and the Vale. This is your flag: bb3aec0fdcdbc2974890f805c585d432. Next stop the Kingdom of the Reach. You can identify yourself with this user/pass combination: olennatyrell@7kingdoms.ctf:H1gh.Gard3n.powah , but first you must be able to open the gates
Fifth flag found
The Reach (imap)
since we already did the port knocking we dont have to do it again
imap commands are annoying lets just use a imap client
sixth flag found
The Rock (gitlist)
Now you can auth on next Kingdom (The Rock, port 1337)
we can connect to it at :
looks like hex
more text…
even more text…
lets try a remote code execution, since we have no way of knowing what is the actual version of the gitlist service i used an exploit that was discovered before the release of the machine.
by default the exploit doesnt ask for credentials, to bypass this we use the url format
to still login
once we decode the hex above 2f686f6d652f747972696f6e6c616e6e69737465722f636865636b706f696e742e747874
lets try to read this file with the exploit
i have setup a listening netcat to intercept the file incase it does work
the exploit is running but it does not seem to be executing any commands.
after searching through more known rce exploit i was able to find one in one of the urls :
i got a reverse shell
The King’s Landing
db: kingslanding
mysql -h -u cerseilannister -p -D kingslanding
-..-. . - -.-. -..-. -- -.-- ... --.- .-.. -..-. ..-. .-.. .- --.
it is morse code
after looking at the privileges :
using the CREATE TABLE ..;
command and the LOAD DATA INFILE '..' INTO TABLE ..;
i can read the file.
Seventh flag found
Dragonglass mine (secret)
we now have access to a hidden machine
we also have a wordlist and an explanation that fail2ban is not setup for this.
lets create a port forwarding from our machine to that hidden machine that’ll pass through the ssh connection, than we use that same port forwarding to bruteforce using the given wordlists for user root.
ssh -L 10000: daenerystargaryen@
it worked !
now hydra :
hydra -l root -P digger.txt ssh://
Third secret flag found
White Walkers Final Battle (ssh)
“The time has come” - The Three Eyed Raven
using the docker group we can easily privesc to root user
using hacktricks with the docker image ironislands
docker run -it -v /:/host/ ironislands chroot /host/ bash
the result is apparently
and the file type of final_battle
is a zip file.
final_battle: Zip archive data, at least v5.1 to extract, compression method=AES Encrypted
by analysing this :
useful-pseudo-code-on-invented-language = concat(substr(secret_flag1, strlen(secret_flag1) - 10, strlen(secret_flag1)), substr(secret_flag2, strlen(secret_flag2) - 10, strlen(secret_flag2)), substr(secret_flag3, strlen(secret_flag3) - 10, strlen(secret_flag3)))
we understand that the final password is basically the last 10 digits of the three flags concat together.
Final flag found
the GameOfThrones machine is finally finished.
Final Message
the 11 flags are a sentences, lets use hashcat to get it.